Sunday, 14 February 2016

Student Life

Student Life” refers to the life of students who receives systematic education in an educational organization (schools, colleges, universities, etc).
Nature: Student life is neither full of joy nor full of sorrow. It is a mixture of both. It is a blessing that parents come forward to bear all the expenses incurred by a student. This indicates that they place much hope on him and that he must make himself worthy of their hope.
In other words, he will have to build up his life in such a way that he can fulfill his own dreams and meet the expectations of those who love him.
It has been rightly said that student life is the seed time of life. It is a period during which one will reap later what one sows now. If his time is wasted in futilities, a student will have to lament forever.
On the other hand, if he utilizes it he will receive rich dividends for his labor. In whatever fields he may shine at this time, if he neglects his studies, his action can never be excused. There is a fine saying in Sanskrit that studying is an ascetic duty for students.
Duties: A student cannot avoid his duties. He owes duty to himself. He should get up early from bed, do some light physical exercise, read his books properly, do his homework, attend his classes regularly, pay respect to teachers and elders, love younger ones, and take part in a play or some form of recreation.
He has his duties towards his parents above everything else. He must never forget their love and encouragement, their hardship and sacrifice that lie behind his success.
There is at present an unfortunate trend that as soon a student marries, he gets separated from his parents but for whose care and suffering he would not have won success in life. So a good student should perform his duties to his parents.
He also has his duties towards his brothers and sisters and his friends. They demand from him no more than love and some occasional presents.
A student is the future citizen of the country. He must educate himself and be ready to take up his duties.
Responsibilities: A student also has his responsibilities. These should be directed towards his neighborhood, society and towards his country. He should try his best to keep his neighborhood clean and happy. He should not be niggardly in helping others with money, physical labor, or brain power.
He must not do anything by which the head of his country may hang down in shame. Further he should do such acts for which his country may feel proud. If he has money, he should spare some for his poor countrymen. If he has energy and thinking, he should reserve them for the progress and development of his country.
Enjoyment: It is not true that student life is full of dryness. There is enough scope for enjoyment.
  1. Studying and reading can be a fun as it unlocks the gates of the unknown to him.
  2. He can cultivate some hobby which is sure to bring joy and peace to his mind.
  3. He can join the debating society or a club for nature study which encourages self-improvement.
  4. Occasionally he can recite, sing or play in a dramatic role, each of which is highly enjoyable.
  5. He can also be out on a short educational tour which will help him to know his country and countrymen in a better way.
  6. Then there are picnics and participation in religious festivals which are sure to bring delight and happiness to his mind.
  7. All their activities are guided by the team-spirit, they are full of enthusiasm.
Conclusion: A student must always remember that learning is the sole purpose of education. Although, although he may participate in both academic and extra-curricular affairs during his student life. A student must be disciplines so that he can get a proper training for life.
By: Pooja Mishra

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